Indian Statistical Service (ISS) Previous Year Question Paper/Answer Key Year Wise
UPSC IES/ISS 2021: Download PDF Free Previous Year Question Papers/Answer Key with Answers- General Studies/Statistics/Economics
UPSC IES/ISS(Indian Statistical Service) 2022 Download PDF Previous Year Question Papers/Answer Key for free here with Answer Key. Practice UPSC IES-ISS Previous Years Papers for General Studies, English, Statistics & Economics. UPSC will conduct IES/ISS 2021 exam from 26th June 2022 onwards.
Benefits of Practicing UPSC IES/ISS Previous Year Papers
When it comes to UPSC IES ISS Exam Preparations, Previous Year Question Papers can be helpful in many ways. As there is no negative marking in the exam, candidates should focus on maximizing their scores in the examination. Practicing previous year papers can help you achieve the targeted marks. Have a look at some benefits of UPSC previous year papers for IES or ISS Exam:
Helps you understand UPSC IES/ISS Exam Pattern
By undertaking the practice of previous year question papers candidates get better understanding of exam pattern. You get to know the subjects, their marking scheme and time allotted to each section in the exam. The exam pattern for the exam is mentioned above in detail.
Check detailed UPSC IES/ISS Syllabus 2021
Helps you remember UPSC IES/ISS Important Topics
Once the candidates undertake the practice of previous year papers they get to know certain important topics from which questions are asked every year. Candidates get familiar with the types of questions asked in the exam along with the marks allotted to certain important topics.
Helps you to know your Strong & Weak Areas
After practicing the UPSC IES or ISS previous year papers, you get to identify your weak and strong areas. You should try to focus more on the weak areas and try improving them. Candidates should spend more time on weak areas and lesser time on strong areas. By doing so, you work on your weaknesses and strengthen them. This will help you to score more in the examination.
Helps in Time Management & Accuracy
While practicing the previous years' papers, fix the timer to make sure that you solve the paper in the allotted time duration. This way, you get to know your speed and accuracy in solving the question papers. The more you practice the papers, the more accuracy you will attain along with the time management. Try to solve the paper in an order that will allow you to complete the paper in the given time with high accuracy. This will also help you to avoid guess work and silly mistakes.