How would you explain the difference between linear and logistic regression?
How would you explain the difference between linear and logistic regression?
Answer: "Linear regression and logistic regression are both used to understand relationships between variables, but they are used for different types of problems.
1. Type of Problem:
Linear Regression is used when we want to predict a continuous outcome. For example, if we want to predict someone’s height based on their age, linear regression will help us because height is a continuous number.
Logistic Regression is used when we want to predict a yes or no outcome. For example, if we want to predict whether someone will buy a product (yes or no), logistic regression is used because the answer is a simple category like "yes" or "no" (or 0 and 1).
2. Model Output:
Linear Regression gives a number as the output. For example, it might predict that a house will cost $250,000 based on its size.
Logistic Regression gives a probability that something will happen. For instance, it might tell us there's an 80% chance that a customer will buy a product.
3. How the Prediction is Made:
In linear regression, the model fits a straight line through the data points to make predictions. It assumes the relationship between the input and the output is linear (like drawing a straight line on a graph).
In logistic regression, the model fits an S-shaped curve (called a sigmoid function) because it’s better suited for yes or no outcomes. The curve helps us predict probabilities, which we can then convert into categories like yes/no or true/false.
4. Examples:
Linear Regression Example: Predicting a person’s weight based on their height.
Logistic Regression Example: Predicting whether an email is spam (yes or no).
So, to put it simply: linear regression is for predicting numbers (like prices or heights), while logistic regression is for predicting categories (like yes/no decisions or pass/fail outcomes)."