SUNRISE CLASSES CO-Powered by SUNTUBE is a Teaching-Learning Platform and a well developed Educational Platform mainly dedicated for Students preparing to ISS (INDIAN STATISTICAL SERVICE), UPSC- STATISTICS OPTIONAL, IIT JAM (Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, & Economics), RBI GRADE B (DR+DSIM+DEPR), GATE (STATISTICS & MATHEMATICS) and Other Exams Related to Statistics, mathematics and/or others.
This facility is developed for the candidate who are confused and Wish to have some Guidance in the Space of Statistics and related Subjects.
Calling Person: S K CHOUDHARY
Calling Time: 01:00 PM to 03:00 PM
Calling Language: Hindi and/or English
Calling Day: SUNDAY (of each week)
Please Fill this Form So that they can reach to you and provide you the satisfactory answer to each of your queries.
Please do try to pick up the call, call will be made only on Sunday and you will be called only two times.
You may call us back within the calling time at the same number.