Background In order to strengthen the coordination of statistical activities among the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, other Central Ministries and State Statistical Organisations, the Conference of Central and State Statistical Organisations (COCSSO) was organized for the first time in the year 1971. Earlier it was supposed to be organized once in every two years. keeping in view the usefulness of the Conference, it has now been decided to have it every year.
The objectives of the conference are:
To provide a platform for discussion on the statistical issues of common interest to the Central and the State Statistical Organistions;
To provide an overall perspective to the development of statistical system and to make recommendations/suggestions on issues having bearing on the development of the statistical system;
To solve the technical issues relating to statistics;
To set up Working Groups on specific issues/tasks relating to official statistics;
To provide guidelines in the collection of statistics and maintenance of statistical standards and quality, besides uniformity in statistical standards;
To consider the Action Taken Report of the follow up action on the recommendations of the previous meetings(s) of COCSSO; and
To review the role of the Statistical Advisers in the Central and States/UT Governments.