Central Statistical Office (CSO)
The main responsibility assigned to the CSO is to bring about coordination of statistical activities among various agencies. In central government and of statistical bureaus of state government, which were set up for similar coordination of activities of statistical agencies at the state level.
Establishment Year:02 MAY 1951
Headed By-Director General, 3 Additional director general, 4 deeputy director general, Joint directors and other supporting officials.
The CSO has Five Division
(A) National Accounts Division
(B) Social statistics Division
(C) Economic statistic Division
(D) Training Division
(E) Coordination and Publication Division
National Accounts Division (NAD)
This Division is responsible for the preparation of national accounts, which includes Gross Domestic Product, Government and Private Final Consumption Expenditure, Fixed Capital Formation and other macro-economic aggregates. The Division brings out an annual publication, titled “National Accounts Statistics”, containing these statistics. Other important activities of the Division are:
(i) preparation of quarterly estimates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current and constant prices,
(ii) estimation of Capital Stock and Consumption of Fixed Capital,
(iii) estimation of State-wise Gross Value Added and Gross Fixed CapitalFormation of supra-regional sectors of Railways, Communication, Banking & Insurance and Central Government Administration
(iv) Input-Output Transaction Tables (IOTT) and
(v) preparation of comparable estimates of State Domestic Product (SDP)
Social Statistics Division (SSD)
This Division is entrusted with Statistical monitoring of the Millennium Development Goals Environmental Economic Accounting, Grant-in-aid for research, workshop/seminars/conferences in Official/Applied Statistics, National/International awards for Statisticians, National Data Bank (NDB) on socio religious categories, Basic Statistics for Local Level Development (BSLLD) Pilot scheme, Time-use survey and release of regular and ad-hoc statistical publications.
Economic Statistics Division (ESD)
This Division conducts Economic Censuses, compiles All India Index of Industrial Production(IIP), Energy Statistics and Infrastructure Statistics, and develops classifications like, National Industrial Classification (NIC) and National Product Classification (NPC).
Training Division
This Division is primarily responsible for the training manpower in theoretical and applied statistics to tackle the emerging challenges of data collection, collation, analysis and dissemination required for evidence based policy making as also for planning, monitoring and evaluation. The Division also looks after the National Statistical Systems Training Academy (NSSTA), which is a premier Institute fostering human resource development in official statistics in India as well as at international level, particularly amongst developing and SAARC countries.
Coordination and Publications Division (CAP)
The Division looks after co-ordination work within CSO as well as with the line Ministries and State/UT Governments in statistical matters, organizes Conference of Central and State Statistical Organizations (COCSSO) and ‘Statistics Day’ every year, prepares Results Framework Document (RFD), Citizens’/Clients’ Charter and Annual Action Plan, Outcome Budget and Annual Plan of the Ministry. The Division is also responsible for implementation of Capacity Development Scheme and Support for Statistical Strengthening (SSS) , a Central Sector Scheme aimed at improving the Statistical Capacity and Infrastructure of the State Statistical System for Collecting, Compiling and Disseminating relevant and reliable official statistics for policy making and to promote their usage at the State/District and Block Levels. It is a nodal Division for administering the Collection of Statistics Act, 2008 and coordination of follow-up on the implementation of recommendations of NSC recommendations. The administrative work relating to Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) is also looked after by CAP Division.